A crisis can happen because of an unexpected event or as an unexpected result of a risky event. Crisis management is the application of strategies that are designed to help an organization deal with a sudden and significant negative event. During times of crisis, human behavior can vary greatly, with some individuals displaying remarkable resilience and adaptability, while others may succumb to panic and irrational decision-making.
This course aims to familiarize the crew with the various responses exhibited by individuals during a crisis situation onboard.
By the end of this course you will be able to:
1. Describe the impact that stress and fatigue can have on your decision-making.
2. Identify the importance of communication and situational awareness in crisis management.
3. List the essential skills and traits of an effective leader in an emergency.
Legislation & References:
- This course is based on Industry Best Practices.
Duration: 30m
Who should attend: All crew (management & operational level)
Approval: ABS
DISCLAIMER: The course is provided on an “as is” basis. Before you purchase any of our courses, it is exclusively your responsibility to check if it complies with the flag administration/approval body you require or you want to submit it to. Furthermore, you should check if the course is accepted by your employer or flag administration as your employer or flag administration may have specific requirements.