Ice can take various forms, from floating chunks to massive icebergs. Its ability to damage a vessel should never be underestimated while passage planning. In this course, we will explore the challenges of navigating through icy waters and the importance of effective passage planning.
This course aims to provide the Masters and Deck Officers with the fundamental knowledge and skills, in order to be prepared for passage planning in cold areas.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Outline the responsible parties, regulations & guidelines related to navigating in ice environments.
- Understand the forms of ice, the types of ice hazards, and the precautions to be taken to ensure vessel’s safety.
- Comprehend the stages of passage planning in cold environments.
Legislation & References:
- STCW Regulation V/4-1
- IMO Polar Code
- SOLAS Consolidated Edition, 2020, Chapter 12
- MARPOL 73/78, Annex I
- The Mariner’s Handbook, 12th Edition 2020
Duration: 30-45 minutes.
Who should attend: Masters and Deck Officers navigating in cold environments.
Approval: ABS
DISCLAIMER: The course is provided on an “as is” basis. Before you purchase any of our courses, it is exclusively your responsibility to check if it complies with the flag administration/approval body you require or you want to submit it to. Furthermore, you should check if the course is accepted by your employer or flag administration as your employer or flag administration may have specific requirements.